Beckwith Health Club

SOUL Strength

60 mins

SOULstrength is a total body workout utilising rhythmic resistance, cardio conditioning, mobility training, and core strength exercises to train the whole body.  In this format we utilise different movement tempos and combinations to add variety and fun to weight lifting as well as interval training for the cardio bursts.

A new Collection will be introduced every 8ish weeks. This allows you to learn the movements and improve on them each week before beginning a new program, and it also allows new members to jump in whenever they are able!

High Intensity

In this class, we aim to improve your strength and endurance in everyday movements. This functional way of training leads to improvements in mobility, balance, and coordination helping you get stronger in everyday life, so you can do the things you love for longer.

kettlebells, resistance bands, dumbbells

SOULstrength is a total body workout utilising rhythmic resistance, cardio conditioning, mobility training, and core strength exercises to train the whole body.  In this format we utilise different movement tempos and combinations to add variety and fun to weight lifting as well as interval training for the cardio bursts.

This class is suitable for all. Push yourself as hard as you want and rest when you need it. Remember, it never gets easier – you just get stronger!

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