Beckwith Health Club


Beckwith Health Club Gym Classes are the best! We currently have over 30 classes on the weekly timetable.

You can book your place in a class 8 days ahead via the Clubright App. If you subsequently need to cancel, please remove yourself from the class booking so someone on the waitlist can take the spot.

A wide range of studio equipment and classes are provided to ensure you get the best results from your group training sessions.

Please inform your class instructor of any injuries or health problems you may have which may be affected by exercise.

Please see an example of our current timetable below. The studio timetable is subject to change without notice.

2025 classes timetable for Beckwith Gym.

Lower down, you will find a live version of the next eight days of classes to book your places.
Your feedback is welcomed. Please write or email any comments to

All classes on our timetable are free to members and £10 for non-members!


Teen Gym Academy members have the following gym access*: Monday – Friday, 2.00 – 5.30 pm.
Weekends 08:30 am – 3.00 pm.

Teen Gym Academy classes are held at 4 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. All Teen Gym members must complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards before using some of our equipment. Please see the list in the club for details.

(*Unrestricted access for teen gym members from July 25 – September 1st who have completed our Teen Gym Academy classes and received their Bronze, Silver & Gold Awards).


Classes are regularly updated and refreshed! So bookmark this page to see the latest timetable.

Book your place in the gym classes directly from the App!

Remember to cancel your place if you are unable to attend. We run active waiting lists to give everyone a chance to attend if a place becomes available.

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates!