Thinking of Skipping the Gym Today?
We’re all familiar with that feeling: just the thought of working out feels exhausting. Whether it’s the end of a long day or simply a dip in energy levels, finding the motivation to go to the gym can be an uphill battle.
But don’t worry – we’ve out together some useful tips to help you power through and reclaim your workout mojo!
One: Hydrate
Dehydration can zap your energy levels and leave you feeling lethargic. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially before you get to the gym.
Beckwith’s vending machine is always fully stocked, so you can pick up something for an extra boost before your workout!
Two: Fuel Your Body
Low energy levels throughout the day may simply be an indication of inadequate nutrition intake. Eating a balanced meal or even a quick snack before the gym can help you crush your workout! Go for a combination of carbohydrates and protein to give you sustained energy.
Check out some of our healthy snack ideas & our 5 favourite protein smoothie recipes for some fuel motivation.
Three: Get Some Caffeine
A cup of coffee or green tea can give you a much-needed energy boost to kickstart your workout. Just be mindful not to overdo it, as too much caffeine can lead to jitters and a crash later on.
As with everything, moderation is key!
Four: Get Moving
Sometimes, the hardest part of working out is simply getting started. Combat that inertia by doing some light movement and stretching to get your blood flowing. A quick walk around the block or a few minutes of dynamic stretches can help wake up your body and mind.
If you want to try something new and get yourself moving, Beckwith’s newer Stretched and Boxing Rox classes will do the trick! Check out the timetable here.
Five: Pump Up the Music
Music has a powerful impact on our mood and energy levels. Create a high-energy playlist filled with your favourite tunes to pump you up and get you in the zone for the gym. The right music can make all the difference in energising your exercise session.
We’ve always got the beats going in Beckwith! For an even better musical motivator, check out our lively class schedule for some energetic sounds.
Six: Trick Yourself
Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of a full workout? Tell yourself you’ll just do 10 minutes of exercise. Just get yourself through Beckwith’s door and chances are, once you get going, you won’t want to stop until you’re done & feeling good.
Aim to do 1 circuit of EGym and you’ll be feeling energised after the first exercise.
Seven: Remember Why You Started
Remind yourself of why you want to work out in the first place. Whether it’s to improve your health, boost your mood, or reach a fitness goal, keeping your reasons front and centre can help motivate you to lace up your trainers and get moving.
Need some help with goal-setting? Our Personal Trainers can work with you to develop tailoured, achievable fitness goals. Get to know them here.
Lastly: Don’t Forget to Listen to Your Body!
Finally, it’s important to listen to your body and honour its signals. If you’re feeling truly exhausted and burnt out, it’s more than okay to take a rest day and recharge. Pushing yourself too hard when you’re already fatigued can lead to injury and setbacks in your long-term gym goals.